I’ll be back

“I’ll be back,” said Arnold Swarzenegger. As a Terminator, I will continue to cycle, if the legs do not want to … you can use your arms.
The visit to the doctor today was positive … he had the same opinion. “Live to Ride … Ride to Live”, so as long as your heart ticks …. ride on

I will be back

Well, some “drugs” just had to be taken to reach the goal…

Because the weather is gray, you don’t have to be in a gray mood …

Grey day does not…

My grandfather, who had many other jobs, was also bicycle mechanic, said: “If something broke, try to fix it. As a 6 year old, he taught me to make bikes and have a positive outlook on life. Everything can be fixed or, if impossible, use the parts for something else

Can you fix it or

My grandmother once told me that she had to help the other “old” to clean … she was 85 years old…and she helped the other elderly until she turned 95 and died

And the doctor said…ride…to live…and I did 🙂

These 2 people have inspired me so much that I will never give up.
Therefore: I’ll be back

Ride to live…live to ride…

Not the fastest ride, and a little embarrassing to drive so slowly in a “rocket” 🙂

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